Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another Interuption -- ad again

I wanted to interrupt one more time to speak about the resolution that was condemning the ad by and praising General Patraeus's patriotism. Bill Clinton hit it right on the head in his interview on Anderson Cooper 360. This was a attempt at feigned outrage for an ad in an attempt to switch attention off of the three different measures fillibustered out that same by the Republicans that would have brought end to this conflict in Iraq.

I further want to express my anger at the democratic people in congress that fell for this move. When are they going to learn that 70% of the country is behind them and stop allowing the Reps to bring their patriotism into question. I did in fact call my Democratic Congresswoman Giffords and let her know how upset that I was that she voted for this nonsense. I suggest that you all do the same. You can visit the clerk's website and view how your congressional leaders voted on this.

Let them know that we are tired of being pushed around and that they have the support of the people. Boost your leaders' confidence by letting them know that a pull-out in Iraq is supported by the majority and that we will not question their patriotism by them doing so. Peace.

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