Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Few Quick Things

Before I talk more about mercenaries, I want to take a quick break to talk about a few news items that have been pissing me off. These items are the add criticizing Gen. Patraeus and the recent comments of Bill O'Reilly on african american culture.

Let's start off first with the whole fiasco. MoveOn, which I am a member, published a full page add giving much needed and fair criticism to the report given to congress by General Patraeus. It asked the question of whether or not he is indeed trustworthy. This is a decent question, considering that the progress report given to the congress was full of half-truths and misleading graphs.

As it stands now, you can't turn on the fucking TV or radio without someone leading the condemning parade against an ad asking you to more closely examine the facts. This movement of course started on Rupert's shithole, FoxNews, and progressed to the rest of the media like wildfire. If the "liberal" media is really so "liberal", then why is this such a large story. The story that you didn't hear nearly as much about was the one that happened the same day that Patraeus gave his report.

This story that happened that same day, involved Admiral Fallon. Admiral Fallon is Patraeus's boss. He is the head of CENTCOM. His comments about the direction that Patraeus was taking his recommendations said that he considered him to be "an ass-kissing little chickenshit" and added that "I hate people like that." Certainly reports of General Patraeus's own boss reflecting views that he may have already betrayed us for his own interests would be larger news than a liberal organization that asked people to take a closer look? Nope. Go fuck yourself right wing media, and you too General Patraeus.

As for the other story. Many people are beginning to speak out about comments made by O'Reilly that were a backhanded compliment to the african-american community. The actual quote by Bill O'Reilly is as follows:

Discussing his recent dinner with Rev. Al Sharpton at the Harlem restaurant Sylvia's, Bill O'Reilly reported that he "couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." O'Reilly added: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' "

I hate Mr. O'Reilly. I hate his views. I hate FOX. I hate Rupert Murdoch. This being said, do not think that I am only supporting him because I am on his side; I am not. People are now calling for him to be fired from CBS radio for his racial comments, using the excuse of the precedent set by the firing of Don Imus. I don't think that Imus should have been fired, I don't think that Opie and Anthony should have been suspended, and I don't think that Bill O'Rielly should be fired either. I may not only disagree with his views (I hate them) but I will also die for his right to express them. Being anti-censorship means not fucking listening to his show if you don't like what he says. Nobody should be fired for expressing their views if their whole job is based on expressing their views. Fuck Censorship!

"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself."
-- Potter Stewart

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